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Do U wAnNa HaVe A wEeK oF fUn??...ChEcK tHiS oUt:

I recently (2001) went to a place called "ANYTOWN" wich is sponserd by NCCJ (the national conference for commity and justice). At Anytown we stay for a week and we do many things..We celebrate diversity..we do skits of these things..and then making a solution of how we can change them and make things better. we learn about other cultures and people. We sing songs,eat.hang out with our new friends,do alot of workshops. and we have culture night ans talent night too.
ANYTOWN gives you a new way to look at things..and you will see things differnt. I recamend any one to go to ANYTOWN. Its Alot of fun and you learn alot of things..and you will have a new look on things. www.nccj.org

Camp Anytown Spring breack 2001