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JuSt WhEn YoU tHoUgHt YoU sAw ThEm ALL....

Here are some more Pics from July 2003!
Ready for more?

Ready for this one? Si-eun, Saira, Sara, Salena, Jaimie, and Karishma
Is it just me..or do me and Kar seem to be out numbered by those "S" folks?!? lol
Karishma, Jaimie, Saira, and Karishma's little sis given her some bunny ears in the back..hehe
This is at Saira's house..party..party!! lol
Si-eun and Saira
Si-eun had fun at the party. getting to know people and another culture :)
Jaimie and Kinza
Saira's cousin and me...Dont let her cute looks fool you.. :)
I took it when he wasn't looking. I took it when he wasn't looking. I took it when he wasn't looking. I took it when he wasn't looking. I took it when he wasn't looking.
Saira and her Niece, Ridah
I can't tell which one is more depressed... lol
*******, Jaimie and Si-eun

Thats all for now!