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cHeCk It OuT...mOrE pIcS!!!!

It's not over yet... :)
Here are some more pics from July 2003. My friend came from Korea..so we took alotta pics..meet more of my friends...

Jaimie and Pau
This is my friend Pau, I spent all day at the beach that day..so I may look a little RED
Si-eun and my Mom
4th of July
Jaimie, Pau and Si-eun
*******, Jaimie, Jaime, and Blerina
Here we all are..workin real hard..can't you tell? I bet You wonder what we look like when we are slackin' off...?!?
******* and Jaimie
See us again..hard workers.. :)
Saira and Jaimie
Heres a 2 cent show... lol
Jaimie and Si-eun
July 13 at Saira's Milad :)

There are more updated picz on Photo page 5!