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MoRe PiCz

Here are some pics of me and my friendz!

A pic of me when I was 13

Another Pic of me when I was 13
In this pic, This is the first time I wore Hijab. I was just getting Into Islam!
Me and Saira
Here Is a pic of me and Saira at school. It was takin in dec. when we were at lunch.
Jaimie & Arjun
This is me and Arjun, at chuckie cheeses on his 2nd birthday!


Hey..Look..it's Chi!
Chi is another friend from work..he's also a loser...lol just kidding.
Karishma and her Sis
Karishma so hot she needs to chill in a cooler!--quoted Karishma
Jaimie and Saira
Jaimie and Si-eun
This is Me and my friend, Si-eun, who came to visit me from Korea. July 2003 We had alot of fun doing things. It was fun learning about the Korean Culture. I learned alot from her. Thanks Si-eun
Jaimie July 2003
Jaimie and Saira
July 2003
Si-eun, Jaimie and Saira
July 2003
Jaimie and Samantha
This is me at work. My little sister and my friend, Si-eun came to spy on me..^^
Jaimie, Saira's dad and Saira

Now..continue on to the next page for more pics!