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Jaimie's Page


Assalaamalikum Wa'rahmatullahi Wa'barakatu
Hey all you guys..have fun and enjoy my page

Yay! It's me..lolz just kidding ~~~

It's me!!
I am 18 years old, and Alhamdulalah I am muslim. I converted to islam 3 years ago. You can learn more how I converted on a lower page.
I like to meet muslims and chat online. I enjoy working with the computer, but I enjoy learning from it more. I love to learn about other countries--Especially Asia. I love to lean about the cultures, people and languages spoken in the different countries. I am currently learning Arabic, wich is mostly spoken in the middle East and north Africa, And Urdu, wich is the language of Pakistan, and is the same language spoken in India,although it is Called Hindi in India. I sponsor a little girl who lives in India. I have been sponsoring her for 2 years now. I really enjoy doing it becouse it makes me feel like i am helping some one out. I love to get letters and pictures from her. Her name is Gita.

My friends
I would like to Thank all my friends and teachers who have helped me develop into a stonger Muslim. When I first converted every one was there to help me and guide me to the right direction. I hope one day, Insha'Allah I can help some one in the same way you all have helped me. JazakaALLah Kahir

Get Mucho Mail

Jaimie and Saira